Missions Opportunities
Available for those who would like to go above and beyond the local church.
Available for those who would like to go above and beyond the local church.
For several years, we have challenged the church family to share a box of love for Christmas with boys and girls around the world. Items are collected for children around the world and are placed in shoeboxes (cardboard or plastic) for distribution. This gift is a special treat for the children who often receive no other gifts – but also comes with the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To learn more, check out the Operation Christmas Child website. If you have further questions about getting involved in the shoebox ministry, please call Vonda Grant.
As a church we are committed to reaching out beyond Augusta County with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Ways we get involved are as varied as teaching our kids about missions during Vacation Bible School, hosting guest missionary speakers, to having some of our own church family participate in short-team mission trips. In recent years, individuals have served in Honduras, Costa Rica, India, Kentucky and West Virginia. For more information about what is available through efforts with other like-minded churches and how you can get involved beyond our local church efforts, check out information about short-term mission trips at ubglobal.org.
If you have any questions about these events, please contact the church office at (540) 337 6411, and we’ll get you all the information you need to get involved.
Wednesday | |
5:30 pm | Fellowship Meal |
6:15 pm | Awana |
6:30 pm | Worship-based Prayer |
Sunday Morning | |
8:45 am | Sunday School |
10:00 am | Worship Service |