Clean Up On Aisle….
Our messes do not negate God's plan.
Genesis(28) (Part of the Origins(28) series)
by Stuart Johns(29) on February 23, 2025 (Sunday Morning(36))
All-Powerful (Omnipotent)(6), Confession(4), God's glory(1), Promises(4), Thanksgiving(2)
Clean Up On Aisle . . .
(Genesis 17:15-27)
“Sometimes we get walloped with the messiness of life when we least expect it. Take what happened in Tainan, Taiwan. On January 17, 2004, a 66-ton sperm whale died and was beached on the southwestern coast of that island. [#1 – Young people, what animal was beached?] Two weeks later, on January 29, authorities decided to truck the dead whale to a laboratory where they could do an autopsy. So they loaded this 56-foot behemoth on a flatbed truck and were hauling it through the streets of Tainan, when the whale exploded. Yes, exploded. It had been decomposing, of course, and all those internal gasses reached a breaking point. As the truck was making its way down a busy street, all of a sudden the whale exploded, showering nearby cars and shops with blood and organs and stopping traffic for hours.
Isn't that just like life sometimes? You're going about your business, and the whale explodes.”
Source: "Thar She Blows!" AOL News (1-29-04).
High school
I was an average student at best in high school
I was not unintelligent, though
I chose not to apply myself and study hard
The result of that was that I entered college on academic probation
If I had applied myself, I could have gotten some scholarships
I had to take a “special” class for students on academic probation that taught us how to study and prioritize our time
I applied myself in college, because I was paying for it through student loans
I did much better than in high school
Judy and I got married between our Junior and Senior year of college and the first semester of our Senior year I got straight A’s, which was a first for me
I really applied myself in seminary
I almost graduated with a 4.0 GPA, but I got an A minus in one class
I’ve thought about pursuing my doctorate, because it seems like the longer I go to school the better I do
My mess in high school did not negate God’s plan for my life
All of us probably have a situation where we messed up and had to suffer the consequences of our decision
As we look back at those messes, how did God accomplish His plan regardless of our failures and mistakes?
Abraham and Sarah were still waiting for the fulfillment of God’s promise of an heir. Last week we learned about Abraham’s name change, God’s promise of the land to Abraham’s descendants, and the covenant of circumcision. Today we will learn about God’s promise of an heir through Sarah and Abraham’s desire that Ishmael be blessed too. The Lord affirmed that the covenant would be through Isaac and not Ishmael. We will learn that . . .
BIG IDEA – Our messes do not negate God’s plan.
Let’s pray
GOD (Genesis 17:15-27)
Human plan (vv. 15-18)
Continuation of conversation
Last week we learned that when Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him
He told Abram who He was (God Almighty)
He asked Abram to walk before Him and be blameless
The Lord confirmed His covenant of making Abraham into a great nation and giving him the land of Canaan
He explained the covenant of circumcision to Abraham
In verse 15 God continued the conversation with Abraham (God also said to Abraham…)
Name changed (vv. 15-16)
The Lord changed Sarai’s name to Sarah
[#2 – Young people, what was Sarai’s new name?]
Unlike Abraham’s name change, the Lord did not explain the difference between the two variants of Sarah’s name
Sarai and Sarah were probably dialectical variants that both meant “princess”
The Lord’s blessing on Sarah
Part of the Lord’s blessing would be a pregnancy for Sarah, which would result in a son
The other part of the blessing would be that Sarah would be the mother of nations and kings would come from her
PRINCIPLE #1 – God’s promises are sure.
Abraham and Sarah experienced that truth first hand
I mentioned this principle last week when I said, “We can trust God to keep His promises to us.”
As we will see in Genesis 21:1-7, Abraham and Sarah had a son named Isaac
Isaac had two sons, Jacob and Esau
Jacob had twelve sons and they prospered during the 400 years of slavery in Egypt
Jacob’s fourth son was named Judah
Judah’s line was the kingly line (read Genesis 49:8-12)
Jesus came through Judah’s line
The Lord kept His promise to provide Abraham and Sarah with a son and through that son a nation was established that had kings who ruled over them and eventually the King of kings was born (Jesus), He lived a perfect life, died for our sins, rose from the dead, and returned to the Father
My prayer is that everyone of us has experienced the truth that God’s promises are sure
I have experienced His provision in my life
I have experience His guidance through college, career opportunities, and ministry placements
I have experienced His blessing through three sons, two daughters-in-law, and three grandchildren with one on the way
His promises to me are sure
How about you?
How have you experienced the truth that God’s promises are sure?
Because God’s promises are sure, I know that Jesus will return to earth again
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.
Are you looking forward to that promise being fulfilled?
#1 – My Next Step Today Is To: Rejoice in the truth that God’s promises are sure.
The Lord repeated the same promises through Sarah that He had shared about Abraham (son, many nations, kings will come them)
He changed Sarah’s name like He had done with Abraham
What we see in verse 17 is Abraham’s reaction to the Lord’s promises
Abraham’s reaction (v. 17)
Fell facedown
This was a posture of humility
He fell facedown in reverential awe of God’s promises
[#3 – Young people, what did Abraham do after he fell facedown?]
Abraham was not mocking God with his laugh
His laughter was one of joy, ecstasy, and elation
John Calvin explains it this way, “Not that he either ridiculed the promise of God, or treated it as a fable, or rejected it altogether; but, as often happens when things occur which are least expected, partly lifted up with joy, partly carried out of himself with wonder, he burst out into laughter.” [Calvin cited by Keil & Delitzsch, Commentary on the Old Testament, Volume 1, The Pentateuch, 144]
The two questions that Abraham posed to himself were not expressing doubt, but amazement and joy
Abraham was talking to himself
“‘One advantage of talking to yourself is that you know at least somebody's listening,’ Franklin P. Jones once said. Now a new study shows that talking to yourself in a positive way may be an indication of health. Psychologists Daniel Swigley and Gary Lupyan gave 20 people the name of an object (like a loaf of bread or an apple), which they were told to find in the supermarket. During the first set of trials, the participants were bound to silence. In the second set, they repeated the object's name out loud as they looked for it in the store.
Test subjects found the object with greater ease when they spoke to themselves while searching. Saying things out loud sparks memory. It solidifies the end game and makes it tangible. According to psychologist Linda Sapadin, talking out loud to yourself helps you validate important and difficult decisions. ‘It helps you clarify your thoughts, tend to what's important, and firm up any decisions you’re contemplating.’”
Source: Gigi Engle, "People Who Talk To Themselves Aren't Crazy, They're Actually Geniuses," EliteDaily.Com (7-8-15)
[]Abraham was going to experience the supernatural power of God
Genesis 18:11 explains that Sarah was past the age of childbearing
In order for the promise of a son to be fulfilled through Abraham and Sarah, God would have to do something supernatural
PRINCIPLE #2 – Nothing is impossible for God.
God’s supernatural power in the Bible
Allowing Sarah to become pregnant after the normal time of childbearing had passed was nothing for the Lord – He is the Creator, so nothing is impossible for Him!
The Lord allowed a virgin to become pregnant and give birth to the Messiah
The Lord’s power was evident through the healings that Jesus and His Apostles did
Jesus and His Apostles were able to bring certain people back to life through God’s supernatural power
God’s power was evident through the flood, the plagues in Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, quail and manna in the wilderness, water from a rock two times, the supernatural ways that God won battle after battle for the Israelites, and so many other examples throughout Scripture
God’s supernatural power in our lives
How have you seen this truth manifested in your life? (When something seemed humanly impossible, but God made it happen supernaturally)
Take a moment to reflect on a time when you experienced this truth personally
Perhaps you are struggling today, because you have not experienced God’s supernatural power in a specific situation
Maybe you are questioning whether or not God is able to do the thing you have been asking Him about in prayer
Our doubt does not strip God of His supernatural ability to do anything
Most of the time when we think God is not answering our prayers, it’s because He is saying, “Wait”
He has not said “Yes” or “No”
He has answered us, but it’s not the answer we wanted
Hold on to the truth that nothing is impossible for God
#2 – My Next Step Today Is To: Trust in the truth that ___________ (situation/prayer) is not impossible for God.
God has heard your cry
He is working out His plan and purpose for that situation
Trust Him while you wait
Abraham was elated and overjoyed about the promise of a son through Sarah, but he also loved his son Ishmael
Abraham’s request (v. 18)
Abraham asked the Lord if Ishmael could live under His blessing also
We will see the Lord’s answer in verses 19 and 20
Ishmael was not God’s plan for Abraham and Sarah and the future of His chosen people
In his humanness, perhaps Abraham wanted the covenant to come through Ishmael
He was still looking to the human plan, instead of the divine plan
PRINCIPLE #3 – “When God is preparing a bright future for you, don’t cling to the things of the past.” [Wiersbe, The Bible Exposition Commentary, Pentateuch, 90]
That was what Abraham appeared to be doing
“Ishmael represented the past, Isaac the future. Ishmael symbolized man’s fleshly way of accomplishing something for God; but Isaac was a miracle baby, born by the power of God. Ishmael brought dissension into the home, but Isaac brought laughter.” [Wiersbe, 90]
He wanted the Lord to make Ishmael the covenant carrier instead of trusting in the Lord’s plan for him
How many of us would admit that we have done the same thing?
Maybe we have held on to a job too long when we knew God was asking us to move on
Perhaps we didn’t end a relationship that was toxic, because we were emotionally connected or feared being alone
How many of us would admit that we do not like change, so we cling to the things of the past (we do not want to upgrade our phone, computer, car, internet, microwave, stove/oven, refrigerator, etc.)
I know this has happened with me and my phone and computer
I was so used to how my older phone worked and I didn’t want to learn how to use the newest phone
I kept using a mouse with a cord instead of upgrading to a wireless mouse
I’m holding off on using a new laptop, because I know how much work it is to transfer everything over
We know that the newer items will work faster, better and more efficiently, but we still cling to the past
#3 – My Next Step Today Is To: Let go of _________, so I can embrace the bright future that God is preparing for me.
Abraham was going to have to let go of Ishmael being the covenant carrier, so he could embrace God’s bright future through the promised son, Isaac
He needed to let go of the human plan that he and Sarah devised and embrace God’s divine plan
Divine plan (vv. 19-22)
Name revealed (vv. 19b, 21)
In the second half of verse 19 and the second half of verse 21 we see that Sarah will bear Abraham a son
The Lord told Abraham to name him Isaac
The birth of Isaac would happen within the year
[#4 – Young people, when would Isaac be born?]
Covenant carrier
The Lord established His covenant with Isaac and his descendants
It was an everlasting covenant
PRINCIPLE #4 – Our failures and mistakes do not negate God’s plan.
Abraham and Sarah tried to help God with their human plan of giving Hagar to Abraham as another wife, resulting in the birth of Ishmael
“In spiritual terms he [Ishmael] portrays works, a clever design that Abram and Sarai had concocted. But Isaac would be a child completely of grace. And all of this would happen within a year.” [Gangel & Bramer, Holman Old Testament Commentary, Genesis, 153]
They had made a mess, but God’s plan would still be fulfilled
Our messes do not negate God’s plan.
When we fail to follow God’s plan and make a mess of things, that does not negate or void God’s plans for us
He will still accomplish His plan and purpose for us
It may take longer, because we have taken a detour from His plan
#4 – My Next Step Today Is To: Confess my mess of ____________ to the Lord.
Even though Abraham and Sarah made a mess of things, the Lord still promised to bless Ishmael
Request acknowledged (vv. 19a, 20)
The Lord acknowledged Abraham’s request by answering, “Yes,” but He immediately made it clear that Isaac was His chosen covenant carrier
After making His plan clear, the Lord further acknowledged Abraham’s request
The Lord had heard Abraham
The Lord blessed Ishmael
Ishmael was fruitful and greatly increased in numbers
He was the father of twelve rulers
His descendants became a great nation also
PRINCIPLE #5 – God is able to bless our mess.
How many of us would agree that God has blessed a mess we have made?
I know that God has used the mistakes and messes I have made in my life for my good
For those of us who have experienced having a baby outside of marriage and seeing how that child has grown and developed and eventually realizing that God has blessed the mess we made
Some of us have been set free from substance abuse and addiction and when we submitted our lives to the Lord, He has used us to help others with the same issues
Whatever mess we have made in our lives, when we submit ourselves to the Lord, He can and will use that for His glory
#5 – My Next Step Today Is To: Thank the Lord for using my mess for His glory.
Aren’t you glad that our messes do not negate God’s plan for us
Abraham and Sarah learned that their mess did not negate God’s plan for them
God returned (v. 22)
The conversation that began in verse 1 was completed by verse 21
After the Lord communicated His plan and promises to Abraham, He returned to heaven
“‘God went up’ indicates a visible ascension; it is the language of theophany (35:13; cp. 18:33; Exod 21:18).” [Mathews, The New American Commentary, Vol. 1B, Genesis 11:27-50:26, 207]
After the Lord ascended to heaven, Abraham obeyed the Lord’s covenant plan
Covenant plan (vv. 23-27)
We learned about the covenant plan last week in Genesis 17:9-14
Circumcision completed
On the same day that the Lord appeared to Abraham, he circumcised himself, Ishmael, and every male in his household
“Biblical faith is never simply a cerebral exercise. What is said and thought is also done.” [Hamilton, The New International Commentary on the Old Testament, The Book of Genesis, Chapters 1-17, 480]
Our faith has to be more than head knowledge or lip service
Our faith needs to be put into action
Read James 2:14-26
There were presumably 318 grown men (Genesis 14:14) plus all the male children
This was going to take some time and perhaps Abraham had help from the other men
PRINCIPLE #6 – God is glorified through our obedience.
Age of Abraham and Ishmael
Abraham was 99 years old when he was circumcised
Ishmael was 13 years old when he was circumcised
[#5 – Young people, how old were Abraham and Ishmael when they were circumcised?]
Do you need to rejoice in the truth that God’s promises are sure?
What situation do you need to trust in the truth that nothing is impossible for God?
What do you need to let go of, so you can embrace the bright future that God is preparing for you?
What mess do you need to confess to the Lord?
Are you ready to thank the Lord for using your mess for His glory?
Do we need to rejoice in the truth that God’s promises are sure?
What situation do we need to trust in the truth that nothing is impossible for God?
What do we need to let go of, so we can embrace the bright future God is preparing for us?
“Mike Silva writes:
Most people would be a little embarrassed to have unexpected company when their house was a mess. My family was staying at a hotel in Nigeria, West Africa, one time when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and found a smiling Nigerian gentleman ready to clean our room.
I was so embarrassed! My family had travel bags, curling irons, and crumpled clothing sprawled across our unmade beds. Wet towels were all over the bathroom floor. I apologized profusely, but the young man replied graciously, ‘No problem, sir. For this reason I have come, to put your things in order.’
The Bible says this is exactly what Jesus Christ came to do for us. To put our lives in order! He doesn't demand that we first straighten up our mess. Instead, He offers to clean up for us.”
Source: Mike Silva, "Would You Like Fries With That?" (Word Publishing, 2005), p. 42.
You can allow Jesus to begin the clean-up process today